Monday, August 20, 2007

Best. Game. Ever?

For those of you that don't know, Karl Rove, George W. Bush's Deputy Chief of Staff, is about to resign. Us here at Devicing know exactly why.....

Karl Rove is preparing to play Bioshock.

This super-sequel is being released TOMORROW for XBox 360 and for the PC (gamers everywhere rejoice!). The game has been welcomed into the world of the living with the usual slap and then superb reviews from nearly every magazine, website, and person that has played it. - - - -

These are just SOME of the reviews. Just about every review has given it above a 9.5 or 95 or 95%

There is that ONE guy though who writes for SonyDefenseForce who gave the game a 5/10. Either he can't count or he's just not happy that Bioshock isn't on PS3 already. There's always THAT GUY ( pooper....)


Kevin said...


Aaron said...

Sequel / Follow-up to System Shock