Monday, December 10, 2007
Us here at Devicing would like to apologize for not keeping up with our duties and posting everything you need to know about the tech world and more.
We are all in college at the moment and we have been swamped with work......and getting a bit lost playing everything in the Orange Box, BUT that's another story. In a week or so we should have everything back up to speed.
Be back soon
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Best Game You Never Played: Ico
One such game came out for the PS2 back in 2001. It was called Ico, and it was from the same developers that brought us the excellent Shadow of the Colossus. I'm sure many people have heard of the game, but have never tried it, seeing how it has had limited releases in the past. But I urge, if not beg you, to try and pick up a copy of your own.
The story is simple, you play as a young boy, named Ico, who is being sacrificed at a castle with apparently no admission fee, because of the set of horns that have grown on his head, which supposedly brings his village bad luck. While locked away in his "sacrificial pod" some rumbling of the dated machinery of the castle loosens the rock the pod is sitting on and thus it tumbles open, freeing our protagonist. Along the way, you find a girl named Yorda that was also locked away, and thus you being your quest to escape the castle.
The main gameplay mechanics are simple, and is similar to what we have seen in games like Prince of Persia and Tomb Raider. You explore the environment, solving puzzles that will lead you to the next door. But in this game, you also have to guide Yorda around since she has a magical power to open certain doors to make you progress. Of coarse, Yorda is not as nimble as you, so you must leave her behind and create simpler paths for her to follow, sometimes using her as elements of the puzzles themselves.
Just to throw in a bit of action, occasionally shadowy figures will come and try to capture Yorda, which obviously prevents you from moving further. A fairly simple combat system involving a piece of 2x4 also adds a challenge in itself since attacks must be planned and quick. This adds yet another level of depth to the game.
On top of all this, you also have a fantastic artistic style (yes, similar to SotC) with a great use of Bloom lighting, atmospheric sound effects, and the perfect musical score.
The icing on the cake though is your connection to the characters. You really care for Ico and Yorda, as they obviously care about each other. This is further supported with a story that gives you just enough to know whats going on, and it all leads to a satisfying ending.
My only complaint was that it was rather short, but the fun to be had is well worth it. If nothing else, it offers up a true gaming "experience" that not many titles can mimic.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Vista, a second much angrier look
Okay so I'm done explaining away Vista's problems the way a mother says her sons manic depression has nothing to do with the lack of attention she offered (this is not my mum!) Alright so I've had Vista for several months and after much ooing and awing at the nifty little features Vista brought into my life I came to a Foot to Crotch conclusion
Vista would be great, if it worked.
I read all the great things Vista does like DX10 and improved Security, and other little treats that should've keep me going until the next Windows and got rather giddy. But after months of lying to myself the sweet treats of innovation and new don't add up to shit in your palm if the damn thing doesn't function.
I mean it, Vista is the most frustrating thing I've had to go through since I got it. First programs never worked right, I couldn't open up jack without Vista having a panic attack and the bloody support is craptastic.
This must be tough for those who don't own Vista to fully comprehend so here's a list of things I would rather do than install and use Vista again.
-Stub a broken toe
-Wipe myself with an angry otter
-Buy a copy of Water World on DVD
-Sit between a man who smells and a woman who snores on a trip to New Zealand
However after all the cursing and twitching was over I managed to collect myself when I realized; Vista reminded me just how shitty ever other version of Windows has been excluding the yawningly successful Windows 98 and the only other real choice Windows XP.
I'm sorry Microsoft but you're stuck up cheerleader OS just ain't cutting it, maybe its time to loose the flare and work on some integrity.
Team Fortress 2
Now I know all you readers out there missed my brilliant quips for the past month or so and have been beating yourselves with a sack of marbles wondering where I've been. We'll to put it straight I've been hibernating amongst schoolwork and video games, but enough about me; lets talk Team Fortress 2
Being the sequel the original Team Fortress, TF2 (T for Team,F for Fortress and 2 for the IQ of people who ask what TF2 means later on) picks where the last one left off; killing other players as a variety of classes which give you some sense of individuality. You have your spy, heavy weapons man, soldier and annoying scout; all of which have their weaknesses and strengths. No horse dung.
Moving on the Game is a fresh breath into the pre-teen Ritalin consuming genre where clicking as fast as you can = pwnage (sorry for sounding like a twit, it was only for effect). The game forces you to know you're class and how to use them effectively. And that's about it really.
I'm serious, it's not the gigantic leap in multiplayer gaming you all thought you were getting into when you proceeded to let Steam sodomize you with another piece of Half Life 2 spin. The maps become more lame than Samuel Jackson in "Invincible" after several hours of play and there are still those annoying twats who find glee in drive nails through your ears into your lungs.
But aside from the shortcomings I still love the game and would greatly enjoy to be the only person on the planet who thinks its merely 'meh; but I simply cannot. Granted the game isn't the multiplayer game I was looking for but it is a gigantic flamethrower to fire leap until compare to Counter Strike and all the other FPS rip offs that have a gimmick. TF2 doesn't have a gimmick. The class system really does matter and truly puts the Team in TF2 (vomit). Letting the tard who cleans the dishes in a school dining hall pick your class is a poor decision because you actually have to put some thought. Provided you aren't the pubescent hyperactive child who thinks Halo is better than a steak and a blow job and have made it all the way through to the end of this rant, or said tard who cleans dishes.
So in two seconds of closure because formal conclusions are for Philosophers and Historians, buy TF2 please and learn to like your teammates
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
MS Office Goes Online... Sorta
The New Zune Just Got Cool
So, lets start off with the big one, called the Zune 80, obviously since it is now updated to a 80 GB hard drive. The screen is overall a bit larger then the original, while the entire device itself is much smaller, with dimension of 2.4 x 4.25 x 0.5-inches. The device also features a new design of its d-pad, so it doesn't fool the consumers that it is a clickwheel or something, but it still has a very similar layout.
The other models are either a 8 or 4 GB flash player, which as you can see is a bit smaller, and offers all of the software perks of the larger one. One thing to note is that screen size is smaller, and unit size is larger then the recently announced Ipod Nano, so keep that in mind. The original Zune will still be around, with the name Zune 30, for its 30 GB hard drive, but thankfully it is also getting a full software upgrade just like the other models. If you already have one, check for a firmware update since you also get the upgrade.
The software is probably the most important change, since you still get the same features as the original, but now with more support. You get h.264 and MPEG-4 video support, as well as podcast support. Wi-fi is actually used now, where you can sync it with a PC, but can not download songs directly from an online store. Also, that whole 3 day or 3 play policy for music sharing, its now only 3 plays, which gives us a little bit of freedom I guess. Finally, the interface has been redone, and is supposedly much easier and faster.
Another nice change is that the Zune store is going DRM free for all of its songs, which is a big plus, but still no word if previously bought songs can be changed, or even what labels are being supported.
Overall, $250 for the Zune 80, $200 for the Zune 8, and $150 for the Zune 4 are not bad deals, and may actually be a contender against Apple this holiday season. Expect these things to ship sometime in November.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Deals of the Day: MP3 Player and Power Supply for Dirt Cheap
First, if you need a fancy MP3 player, but don't want to spend over 200 dollars, there is a deal at for a Refurbished Philips HDD6330 30 GB MP3 Player. Not only does it have a stylish look, but also 30 GB to store mp3, wav, and wma (including protected) music files, and photos. From what I have read, it offers great sound quality, good headphones (amazing... for once), and a 2-inch color screen. All for less then 100 bucks.
Product purchase Page at
Review of the product provided by cNet
The next item is an Eagle Vortec 700 watt power supply from It is a $95 ATX power supply that is now FREE after rebate. Definitely a good deal to check out if building a new PC.
Purchase at
Still not enough, then.... how about a free 802.11 a/b/g Wireless Poster if you fill out this form courteous of Trade Pub. Why not?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Tokyo Game Show - Part.... Last
For all the Katamari fans with a PS3, don't feel bad that Beautiful Katamari is Xbox only, since Jun Morikawa, game director of the series, has confirmed to that a PS3 katamari game will be coming sometime in the future.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Tokyo Game Show Madness Part 2
Microsoft is trying to gain respect of the JRPG market with yet another product from those that brought you Blue Dragon. This one is now called Lost Odyssey for the Xbox 360, and should arrive in the US by February 2008. While the game looks beautiful, and will contain about 40-50 hours of gameplay, some are saying it looks a little too much like Final Fantasy. Still, with an interesting combat ring system, we'll see if the game can get distinguished enough.
NiGHTS for the Wii is a remake of the original SEGA classic too few played. Now you can relive it with updated visuals, and cool motion controls that just seem to fit so well.
Ninja Gaiden is making a return, this time actually in new games. This first is Ninja Gaiden II for the Xbox 360, and while only a trailer was shown so far, it seems to be as beautiful and bloody as ever, and is trying to be "the world's premier action game." The other one is Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword for the DS, so you can hack and slash with a stylus now, and have an incredible time doing it wherever you are.
Metal Gear Solid 4 is making quite a splash, since it is the first time people are getting hands on with it. The graphics are beautiful, the gameplay is hot, and the story is crazy, what more do you want. Also, keep an eye out for Metal Gear Online if you want to take the action online with 16 player battles.
A new trailer for the mysterious PS3 game Afrika was shown, giving us an update on the progress of the game, this time with some more scenes of a couple in a jeep and walking around with a camera. Could it be the next Pokemon Snap... we'll just have to wait and see.
Playstation Network games are really starting to impress alot of people, with their emphasis on trying to be different and innovative yet still fun. Take Echochrome, a basic black and white puzzle game where you live in a world that seems to be dreamed up by M.C. Esher. You even have fl0wer, a sequel to the popular fl0w, that is still leaving some people scratching their heads.
Do you want to stay fit yet still play video games? The Wii should be your platform of choice, since not only are you getting WiiFit, but also similar fitness offerings from both Konami and Namco. Hopefully these will burn enough calories so you don't feel so bad drinking all that soda when playing Super Smash Brothers.
Stay tuned to Devicing for more updates.... if we still have the strength.
Images from
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Tokyo Game Show Madness Part 1
Lastly, there is just too much buzz around Konami to not mention them today. During their press conference, they seemed to put a lot of concentration on their new Wii fitness game, and some interesting titles for portable platforms. They of coarse also continued to talk about Silent Hill 5, Winning Eleven 2008, and the big daddy of them all, Metal Gear Solid 4, which had yet another amazing trailer.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
I don't know which one to choose!
Well, there is one person who is far ahead of us in terms of sheer numbers. Saikee, a member of the JustLinux forums, is boasting 137 operating systems on the same machine. The numbers include 3 versions of DOS (oldie but a goodie apparently), 5 versions of Windows (including 3.11!!!), and 145 different versions of Linux (dayum thats a lot).
I'm pretty sure you would be waiting for a 2 hour boot-up time while your machine finds all the operating systems it can boot up, but just to say you have all those OS's to choose from I'm sure would be fun.
Friday, September 14, 2007
HDMI vs. Component Video
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Deal of the Day: SAPPHIRE Radeon X1950GT AGP
Free Software: Miro Video Player
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Steve Jobs Makes Apple Fanboys Wet Themselves... Again!
So there you go, lots of Apple news for you to digest. Check out the new Apple site with more information HERE.
Update: NBC Hooks Up with Amazon
Another Free Game That Doesn't Suck
This game looks amazingly good for a game that is only around 250 Megs.
The major purpose of this free game is to advertise not only Nadeo (the French company responsible for the TrackMania series), but also the Electronic Sports World Cup. The game records your best times and places you in the rankings with thousands of people from across the globe.
Oh, by the way, did I mention it's FREE?!
So there you have it, an incredibly simple, yet beautifully complex game that you can download for free and play online with thousands of people.
If you're interested in downloading the game go here
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
The gossip is that Google is going at it and will create the David that will defeat the Goliath iPhone which is covering the market of overhyped superphones.......probably because it's nearly the only "superphone" people know about after advertising Apple did.
The guys at Engadget have speculated the rumors to be true and are backing it up with rumors that seem to be getting more and more specific. These rumors include a kickass mobile user interface based upon some Linux OS as well as everything being based in Java.
You Are Winner!
If Google releases this phone, many a google-lover and techie will want one, probably because it does more than the iPhone and does everything the iPhone does better, but with the possibility of a flight simulator in every application (if you haven't heard).
Free Software: And Yet It Moves
Maximize Your BitTorrent Potential!
TorrentFreak has the answer. They just compiled a list of 20 tips that should help you get your download, and upload, rates to the max. They include the list of ISP's that are throttling BitTorrent traffic, and how to get around it, and even what are the perfect settings for your internet connection.
View the list here.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
So like, Apple broke up with NBC, like OMG!
There are several stories on why this is happening. Apple is reporting that NBC requested an increase of prices of their individual episodes from $1.99 to as high as $4.99. Also, there have been previous reports of NBC looking to disallow the playing of their content on iPods and such, which is a major reason why most people download the episodes in the first place, just to crack down on piracy. For these reasons, Apple is taking down this content when they are obligated to distribute NBC’s content until their contract ends in December. NBC however is rejecting the statements made by Apple, saying that they only requested a "flexibility in wholesale pricing."
Whatever the main truth behind the story is, both sides seem to be still trying to negotiate the current situation. Niether side is really reliant on the other, but it is advantageous to both for a deal to be made, since both can benefit as online distributed video is getting more popular. Devicing will keep an eye on the story as it progresses.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Deal of the Day: Fatal1ty Pro Gaming Mouse
Monday, August 27, 2007
Pass the Eggs, Hold the Bacn
The term seems to have originated from the Podcamp Pittsburg podcast, and since has spread by blogs and twitter. There is even a site up to promote the term:
Apparently, this will be used to identify all those pesky notifications, updates, and mailers we don't want to get rid of, but don't want to read either. AKA, all those emails sent to you by people you don't know... that's not spam. Who knows, it may actually get somewhere, it has that Web 2.0 lack of a vowel, and enough of a food reference to relate to spam.
Get a new daddy...
(Picture from Kotaku)
Time to DEFRAG
I'm sorry, but defragmentation is MUCH better for your health.
Apparently not a lot of people don't know how to defrag their computers, but also don't even know what it is or haven't even heard of it.
This quick article from BusinessWire gives some numbers...
Click Here
Those of you that haven't defragged your computer in a while or have never done it, we here at Devicing suggest you should, because your hard drive will fall in love with you right after you do it. It's like a cure for Hard Drive Alzheimers, it works wonder and your computer will run as fast as it did when you first got it.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Unlocking the iPhone
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Next-Gen Report: Wii is Now on Top
First up, the Nintendo Wii, which is still very hard to find even 9 months after its initial release. In July, 425,000 systems were sold in the U.S. alone, and thus leaping them forward over the total Xbox 360s sold. And so, it is as everyone has predicted, The Wii is now the dominant console in less than a year’s time.
Speaking of Microsoft’s Xbox 360, their sales were actually down from June, only selling 170,000 systems in the U.S. even after a slight price cut and a huge anticipation for games like Halo and Bioshock.
Lastly, Sony is seeing a bit of good news, with sales up about 60% due to their recent price cut, no matter how controversial it may be. They sold 159,000 systems, and even though it may not be as good as the Wii and 360, it shows a good healthy rise in popularity for the PS3, and at least it already out-sold the Dreamcast.
DS and PSP sales are also doing quite well, selling 405,000 and 214,000 unites respectively. Even the old PS2 got sales of 222,000 units surprisingly.
It is still early on in the life cycles of these systems, so there is still some time for any of these consoles to rise or fall.
Digg Search vs. Google Search
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Do Graphics Matter? I Guess So
Monday, August 20, 2007
HD-DVD Gains Some Momentum
Find out more here!
Best. Game. Ever?
Karl Rove is preparing to play Bioshock.
This super-sequel is being released TOMORROW for XBox 360 and for the PC (gamers everywhere rejoice!). The game has been welcomed into the world of the living with the usual slap and then superb reviews from nearly every magazine, website, and person that has played it. - - - -
These are just SOME of the reviews. Just about every review has given it above a 9.5 or 95 or 95%
There is that ONE guy though who writes for SonyDefenseForce who gave the game a 5/10. Either he can't count or he's just not happy that Bioshock isn't on PS3 already. There's always THAT GUY ( pooper....)
Alien Abduction Brightens your Desk, Doesn't Probe
Mod your PS2 without a Solder Gun or Memory Card!
Swap Magic has the PS2 owner put a disc with a pressed image on it that overrides the BIOS telling the PS2 "You dun look fur burnt game no more k?". Then by opening your PS2 without resetting it you can pop in your burned game and voila! You are now a pirate (ahh errr of the backing up kind). No soldering, memory cards or nothing.
To Swap the discs without resetting requires a simple slide of a card card for the old PS2 or some plugs you stick in the reset switches for the Slim Models. The whole system costs anywhere between $20 and $40 depending on what PS2 you have. Is it worth the price to be able to play all the burned games you want without voiding your warranty? Well just ask John
A Close look at Vista without drinking Haterade
Since it's suddenly cool to rip into Windows Vista; I'd thought I'd give my take on it. I've had Vista Basic for close to a month now and I've gotten the recent security and compatibility updates. After getting everything just the way I want it I have to say that's it's a Love-Hate relationship with Vista. I'll go on....
I unboxed my copy of Windows Vista with much glee and excitement (after crying about having to pay for Windows, that's another story) and read the manual. Simple enough to install, within twenty minutes my home built machine was brewing something of the Vista variety and I was pumped. I was greeted by a fresh crisp GUI that was easy to navigate. I uploaded a few programs (Avast, Spybot, VLC) to get myself started. Everything went nice and smoothly.
I ran into my first annoyance when I went to open these programs and was told that as an Administrator I needed to okay the running of said program. No biggy, I'll adjust the account settings later. I uploaded all of my music in little to no time flat.
I installed some games and for the most part they went great; DX10 really is worth it for visual intense games that support it. I did have the occasional random slowdown on some games that was only fixed by rebooting the machine. These slowdowns would even affect navigating menus! I was very annoyed.
These complaints and compliments come and go like every other budding iteration of Windows. Driver incompatibilities, new graphic support, random problems that cant reproduced and others are to be expected. My only really bug with Vista is the amount of privileges Administrator accounts are given. As an Administrator I expected to be able to do anything I wanted, not have to wait in line like everyone else. I upside though is that Vista "claims" to offer improved security. I haven't run into many problems yet but I think most of it is geared towards anti-piracy, yarrrr.
For the power users on the other hand Vista may just seem awkward and unresponsive for some things. Drivers and security problems are annoying, but nothing users can't find a way around after awhile. Given the nine months since Vista's launch these users are getting hungry for more support and are quite happy to stick with XP for now and I'd agree with that decision.
My take is all about where you and your PC are currently. I think that you should take the plunge to Vista if you
1.) Just got a new computer with the recommended requirements
2.) Really want to show off your Directx10 hardware
3.) Just upgraded your current machine to a Multi Core Processor
I would wait to upgrade to Vista and stick with XP if you...
1.) are a power user
2.) don't plan on getting or upgrading your machine for some time
3.) are not a big PC Gamer
4.) are constantly installing programs and want to make sure they are supported
For me I'm quite happy with Vista. Sure there are times when I wish I was still running XP, but there are times when I'm glad that I have Vista. I'm not WOWed by Vista, but I am definately satisfied; even a little pleased. At the end of the day it all comes down to what you want to do on your computer; and only YOU can answer that