Monday, August 20, 2007

Mod your PS2 without a Solder Gun or Memory Card!

Okay so a lot of websites are running the article about how a company created a way to play burned games using your memory card; that's sweet and all but it wasn't the first solder-less way to mod your PS2. I'm talking about Swap Magic.

Swap Magic has the PS2 owner put a disc with a pressed image on it that overrides the BIOS telling the PS2 "You dun look fur burnt game no more k?". Then by opening your PS2 without resetting it you can pop in your burned game and voila! You are now a pirate (ahh errr of the backing up kind). No soldering, memory cards or nothing.

To Swap the discs without resetting requires a simpl
e slide of a card card for the old PS2 or some plugs you stick in the reset switches for the Slim Models. The whole system costs anywhere between $20 and $40 depending on what PS2 you have. Is it worth the price to be able to play all the burned games you want without voiding your warranty? Well just ask John


John said...

I cant believe you still have that picture...

Aaron said...

John loves his great stuff

Kevin said...

I don't but facebook does! bwahahaha